What Happens The First 24 Hours After An Arrest?

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The First 48 Hours

Being arrested in Brooklyn is likely something that comes unexpectedly.  We don’t normally plan our day out under the assumption that an activity we engage in will result in a criminal arrest.  For a first-time arrest, the experience can leave you feeling vulnerable, especially if you are not even sure why you have been arrested. It may take some time to sink in. By preparing for what to anticipate during and right after an arrest, you can keep a clear mind and remember to exercise your rights, including the right to speak to an attorney.

Processing After Your Arrest

Each person arrested will be taken to the precinct for processing and fingerprinting, then one of two things will happen.

  • The first option is that the officer could choose to issue you a desk appearance ticket on less serious charges. This means that rather than having to stay in custody for as long as 24 hours to wait to see a judge, you will be sent home and given a date to return to court later for arraignment. A desk appearance ticket is only issued in rare and minor misdemeanor cases.
  • The second option is that you will be processed, fingerprinted, and sent to central booking. You will be held at that location until the district attorney processes your case. They are waiting during this time for your fingerprint results to come back from Albany.

During the first 48 hours, You are kept in central booking

After you are processed into central booking, you are then transferred from one room to another. After approximately 24 hours you will see an attorney.

Shortly following this, you will be brought in front of a judge for an arraignment proceeding.


Arraignment means that you are notified about the charges and then a determination is made as to whether or not you should be released on bail. Arraignment is a crucial aspect of your criminal case. You will be released with or without bail depending on your charges. If you are unable to make bail, then it is unlikely that the amount of bail will be lower, but your criminal defense attorney would likely explore your options.

Speak To An Attorney

It is vital that you understand your rights. You should be aware of both your legal rights as well as your obligations. You should not hesitate to request the opportunity to speak to your criminal defense attorney immediately. This could be your only opportunity to protect your freedom and have some control over what happens early on.


By : 5dattorney | March 11, 2020 | Criminal Defense

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I am attorney Scott G. Cerbin, Esq., and my firm is located in downtown Brooklyn near the Borough Hall and Jay Street stops. The Law Office Of Scott G. Cerbin, Esq., PLLC, offers free initial consultations to individuals living within all five New York City boroughs. You can reach me at any hour of the day or night, regardless of the complexity of your issue.

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