What Should I Expect From Unsupervised Probation?

Brooklyn, NY Probation Lawyer - Domestic violence

People who have been found guilty may be sentenced to probation. There are two types of probation: supervised and unsupervised. Here are the specifics of unsupervised probation, including what to anticipate and how to get the legal support you need after being charged with a crime.

Unsupervised Probation Defined 

Unsupervised probation does not involve random or consistent interactions with a court-appointed probation officer, therefore it’s often thought to be less harsh than other versions of probation. Furthermore, this kind of probation  also does not require an officer to conduct searches of a person’s property or their place of business, nor does it force the individual to report for curfew.

While it allows for more freedom, there are still strict requirements that must be followed. What these guidelines are vary depending on the details of each individual’s case, however, the goal is that they allow individuals to return to normal activities like work or school after an arrest. 

What Are the Conditions of This Type of Probation?

The restrictions on unsupervised visitation can include:

  • Mandatory community volunteering 
  • Counseling for drug and alcohol abuse
  • Restitution and/or court fines 
  • Other penalties at the judge’s discretion 

Despite the fact that these restrictions are less severe than those placed on people who only qualify for supervised probation, they can be challenging. A criminal defense attorney can assist you in negotiating the conditions of your unsupervised probation with the judge presiding over your case in order to achieve more favorable terms.

Eligibility for Unsupervised Probation 

It’s up to a judge to decide who is eligible for supervised or unsupervised probation. Individuals the court deems are unlikely to commit crimes in the future may be offered probation. Convicted criminals with a history of violent or repeat violations may not be eligible for either type of probation.

How Can a New York Criminal Defense Lawyer Help You? 

Were you charged with a crime and are potentially eligible for supervised or unsupervised probation? A criminal defense attorney can represent you against criminal accusations during trial as well as petition for the reduction of your penalties if a jury unfortunately finds you guilty.

Don’t hesitate to get the legal representation and support you need during this difficult time. Contact New York criminal defense lawyer Scott Cerbin today to schedule your consultation by calling 718-596-1829.

By : 5dattorney | July 11, 2021 | Criminal Defense

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