What Are The Top Legal Defenses For Robbery In New York?

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Robbery is a serious criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking of someone else’s property by using force, threats, or intimidation. In the state of New York, the penalties for committing robbery are severe and can have long-lasting consequences on your life. Below, we take a look at some of the most commonly used legal defenses for robbery and how you can get the help you need to overcome the charges against you. 

Lack of Intent

One possible defense is to argue that you never had the intent to commit robbery. This is because prosecutors must prove that you knew you were committing a crime and that you intended to and willfully did so. This defense can be effective if the prosecution’s case against you is weak or if you never had the means with which to commit a robbery.  

Mistaken Identity

Another defense strategy is to claim mistaken identity. Essentially, you are alleging that the police have the wrong person entirely. It can be a stretch but in some circumstances, the evidence prosecutors have just isn’t enough to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was you who committed the crime. 

This defense can be used if you have an alibi that shows you weren’t present at the scene of the crime at the time of the robbery. One of the most powerful pieces of evidence in a mistaken identity defense is eyewitness testimony. Witnesses on either side can testify whether the defendant is or isn’t the person who committed the crime and it’s up to the judge or jury to decide. 

Coerced Confession

In some cases, a criminal defendant will offer false confessions as a result of coercion or inducement by law enforcement. Challenging the validity of a confession is a defense strategy that aims to prove that the confession was involuntarily made and should not be considered as viable evidence against the defendant. 

Arrested? Get Legal Help Now

Robbery charges in New York come with harsh penalties that can significantly impact a person’s future. Understanding the potential consequences and available legal defenses is crucial for anyone facing these allegations. 

It’s critical that you obtain legal advice from a reputable criminal defense attorney who can provide an individualized defense strategy and protect your rights throughout the legal process. Call Scott Cerbin now for a consultation at 718-596-1829. 

By : 5dattorney | July 27, 2023 | Criminal Defense

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I am attorney Scott G. Cerbin, Esq., and my firm is located in downtown Brooklyn near the Borough Hall and Jay Street stops. The Law Office Of Scott G. Cerbin, Esq., PLLC, offers free initial consultations to individuals living within all five New York City boroughs. You can reach me at any hour of the day or night, regardless of the complexity of your issue.

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